Q.C.T. with OxyBreak Quarry and Ceramic Tile Cleaner
Peroxide Activated Quarry & Ceramic Tile and Concrete Cleaner and Brightener
Q.C.T. with OxyBreak™ is a synergistic combination of specialty surfactants, hydrogen peroxide, and D-Limonene that quickly cleans and brightens the grimiest concrete, quarry tile, and ceramic tile and grout floors, fixtures, and walls. It safely lightens and brightens grout lines without leaving water marks or residue. You get the advantage of hydrogen peroxide's brightening power without the problems because it's stabilized! Add to that the activating and boosting effects that OxyBreak™ has on citrus solvents, and the solution penetrates every crack, crevice, and pore to emulsify and dissolve even the most stubborn soiling and grime. QCT with OxyBreak™ brightens grout without attacking and demineralizing unlike harsh acid based cleaners or chlorine bleach. It also self neutralizes so you don't need to worry about neutralizing the grout lines after cleaning and brightening them.
Q.C.T. with OxyBreak™ will work effectively with the hard surface attachments for the RX-20 Rotary Extractor, as well as rotary and stationary hard surface cleaning wands. It also can be safely and effectively used with virtually any hard surface floor cleaning brush or mop system.
Dilution Ratio(s): 1:2-4
pH: RTU 2.0-3.0
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